Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What is a blog to me?

A blog to me is like a modern day diary... an electronic diary of our thoughts, worries, hopes, dreams, inspirations and experiences. It is an open book for the "world wide web" to look in on!

As a young girl and I'm sure for many others like me, our diaries were under lock and key...no one could know what you were thinking or feeling...how embarrassing that would have been... whereas now...the whole world can be witness to our thoughts!! hahaha It's ironic actually!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Be true to yourself!

People who have a great sense of their own self worth...don't worry about being judged by others. When you have the freedom to be yourself, just the way you are, the world is a much better place for everyone!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Attitude and Interpretation

I read this article the other day that said the following that caught my eye... "Success isn't objectively verifiable like the height of the Empire State Building or the location of Missouri. It's a matter of attitude, of interpretation."

When we analyse "mistakes vs success" the above sentence can make a big difference as to how we se ourselves, our lives, our lifestyle and our achievements.

We should give more value to the decisions we make by changing our interpretation of the outcome... having a second piece of cake... can make you feel fat (mistake) or joyful (success) If we choose not to eat the second piece of cake... we would not have enjoyed eating (mistake)...or not eating and feeling skinny (success)!!! Do we see how both decisions can have a successful outcome if we want them to? Eating the second piece or not eating and feeling skinny, both are success!! Travelling somewhere to sit on the beach or staying home 1000 euros richer... both are success! Both are a matter of attitude or interpretation.

The sense of being right or wrong resides in each of us, therefore, the solution, is to choose success.!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

When times are "bluff"...

When times are tough...they can easily be mistaken for when times are "bluff"... On a daily basis we are bombarded with negative press. We are systematically fed...negativity! The question that most of us should be asking ourselves is... why? In seeking the answer to a question like this, we can actually look deep inside ourselves for the answer and we will most certainly find it there... so why are we constantly bombarded with negative press?? Because WE are consistently telling the world...that is what we want! We buy more magazines, more newspapers and watch more news broadcasts when the headline is a tragedy or bad news than we do when they publish something heart warming or inspiring! It's that simple! We are the cause, the bad news is the effect! I suppose if any of us were in the media business, we would be on the hunt for as many tragic stories as we could possibly find... to make as much money as we possibly could... of course we would!

I think I may have mentioned this in a previous post but I no longer watch the news...I gave up about +5 years ago and I think it was one of the best things I could have done! This way, I choose what it is I want to know. I do research on the things I want to know more about and stay clear from the things that are unworthy of my attention, things that could possibly bring me down. I think it's one thing to keep informed about what is going on in the world but it's another to be inundated as we often are.
Make choices that work for you! Keep true to yourself and to others and focus on what keeps you happy, high spirited and joyful.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Miracles are everyday occurrences...

I have started a morning routine which includes a few minutes every morning of meditation. I've always wanted to be one of those people who do that!!! Who can sit still for 15 to 30 minutes and who totally and completely clear their minds of all thought. It's actually harder than one would think but everything is possible and if other people can do it, so can I!!!

I believe that if we control the thoughts we have, we can control the outcome of our lives! By controlling our thoughts and focussing on the things we want, we are changing the possibilities and by changing the possibilities, we are changing the results.

I am a believer that miracles are everyday occurrences!  The little things, the simple things, the amazing things, the happy things, the wonderful things...every single day is a miracle...every single moment we have the opportunity to create thought and from thought to create our life just as we want it to be!!!

I'll let you know how the meditation goes and if it really is as helpful as I think it's going to be... in changing my life...in allowing me to live a better life and in sharing and spreading the joy of life to others.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Setting the bar...

Living up to someone else's standards is probably one of the biggest mistakes we can make throughout our lives... and the same would apply to when we expect others to live up to our standards.
When we try to live up to someone else's standards, it's as though we are constantly chasing something that seems endless.  We chase and chase and chase and we become exausted!  The reason for this is because we are not going after what brings us happiness.  We are going after what makes other people happy so the enthusiasm of a positive end result, or the sense of purpose/achievement is never really fullfilled... because they are not our dreams... they're someone else's. 
I suppose what is most important is to firstly figure out what it is we dream for...for ourselves!!  Perhaps we find ourselves living or trying to live up to other peoples standards because we don't set standards of our own.  If we did, and if we were true to OUR dreams, our happiness, than perhaps we wouldn't feel lost or forever chasing because we'd be setting the bar for ourselves, going after what we love and the rest would take care of itself.

I do believe, on occassion, when other people transmit what they expect from us, we shouldn't take it as a bad thing...they are trying to look out for us because they love us but also because they believe in us.  It's when people don't encourage you to do better that you can worry they may have given up on you.

Believe in yourself but also set your own standards and don't be afraid to go after them. Set the bar on what it is you want of your life and move forward...  Believe you can do it and know you can do it...  Because you can!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm back!

Having been quiet for a few months due to other commitments, I am now back on board to keeping this blog updated and flowing on a regular basis. It certainly does feel good to be back and most importantly it feels great to express thought and feeling on "paper".. :)

Having been away for a while, it has caused me to forget why I even started this blog in the first place. A channel for expression...that simple! Nothing life altering, nothing specific and with no particular agenda other than... pure and simple... expression and sharing...That's it!

These last few months have lead me to realise how very important it is to focus on the little things, the small achievements... as much as it is to celebrate the big ones. We are excellent at celebrating the big successes, the special dates, etc., but we fail to celebrate the positive things we experience on a day to day basis and the small achievements along the way. It is more important than we think and all too often we forget that we are who we are at all times...every minute...every second... of every day! And there is nothing wrong with that! Our worth is not only valid if we have something big to boast about or celebrate. Everything is important, every moment and most especially the "PRESENT MOMENT" is worth celebrating. Celebrate the simplicity and the similarities, they make us who we are!

I heard something the other day that I thought was just brilliant... ""Life isn't about where you came from or even your destination...it's really about the journey!"


Friday, March 11, 2011


Short and sweet...just to say...laughing brings people together!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Be BOLD, Be BRAVE and Be TRUE!!!

...Be bold, be brave and be true!... don't just read the words and move on but really and truly read them and re-read them as many times as it takes to help them sink in...Be bold, be brave and be true!!
When I think of this statement it reminds me how important it is to "think outside the box". This is probably one of the most common requests in the world today. Companies, schools, partners, parents, etc...

Finding people who "think outside the box" although extremely sought after, can be incredibly difficult. For those who have entered into the rat race, there is one common factor, one common ingredient that holds people back from finding this quality.

If I had to sum up in my own words what thinking outside the box means to me then I would say it is synonymous for being bold, being brave and being true... as those who are all of these things... I consider to be free of this common ingredient that holds people back from thinking outside the box... I suppose we all know what that one common ingredient is...right??? ... FEAR!

Those who are afraid cannot be bold, brave or true! Those who are afraid, who act in fear cannot see themselves as being great because they are too worried about failure, bad luck, whether people will like them, whether their ideas will be accepted, afraid of burning their bridges in case their thoughts/ideas don't get them anywhere! For people who think outside the box, they don't worry or fret about those things, they just think it and go! I know it may seem careless but really it's not! Be bold and believe in your instincts, be brave and act on them and be true to yourself in the process so you have no regrets!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Having love for something is the real secret. Finding a way to turn passion into profit is the first step to becoming successful. Hard work is necessary but working smart is more!! And if it's in line with what you're passionate about anyway...it wont feel like work!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thinking twice!

Do you ever wonder about what effect certain people may have had on you and how that may have helped shape the person you are today or the life that you have? I wonder about things like that sometimes. I wonder about certain people that came into my life either for a short period of time or others who spiratically appear various times throughout my life and what affect they may have had or still have on the shaping of me. Most especially in relation to the people who have always been present...how much of them is now part of me and how much of their essence has been transmitted into the shaping process of my personality?

I believe to a certain extent that we (humans and animals but i'm referring to humans...hahaha) instinctively know whether someone is going to help or hinder us...friend or foe? and that sometimes, we tune off these warning signals because we are either curious, insecure, self-conscious or even careless enough to let life take us where it will as though we are not in any type of control. If I am surrounded by people who would rather hinder as apposed to help then shouldn't I at least try to set myself free from possible future bad choices, most especially if I can forshadow what they may end up being? Have I not been influenced enough to know the difference?

Isn't it so that the more life experiences we have, the better job we have at distinguishing between what is good for us and what is bad... And if we try to grow from every experience, then at least we can say this is progress...right?!?! For every person it may be different. For some people the time it takes for one to evolve in comparison to another may be totally different most especially with regards to what areas we are evolving ourselves in. I mentioned in one of my previous posts that individually we all have value, we all add something unique and special to the world, some feel they know what that is...others are forever in search of it and the majority really don't care if they find it or not!

I suppose I know for myself, the answer to all of the questions above and I suppose the help or hinder process is up to me to decide. I believe people should follow their hearts, follow what is true, focus on what is helpful to them and leave behind by giving no importance to what may be hindering their achievements, goals and objectives. Think twice the next time you find yourself in a situation where you are unsure of yourself. Stop and really think twice about what you are saying, hearing and doing by realising that you know the answer to most of the questions you are asking yourself just by thinking twice. I saw something that inspires being brave and I feel this applies significantly to this process. Be brave enough to take a step in the right direction if that requires leaving your comfort zone and/or what is familiar to you. Allow yourself to walk into the unknown with the utter faith only in yourself and the confidence you have in you to know that no matter what, you are going to come out on top! Be brave enough to believe you CAN... just because! Think twice, three times or four if you have to but come to the conclusion that you can do more then survive, you can prosper and achieve everywhere you turn.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Individual Capability!

It definitely comes down to the choices we make...! I am a believer that we are strong! Human beings are strong and we are capable of achieving great things.
People do not give themselves enough credit...they do not realise how amazing they really are and how far each individual can go if they truly want something.
A silly example but very truthful is when I hear people say things like...I can't quit smoking...I can't do this or that...I just find it amazing that people will sooner believe they are NOT capable before they will attempt or even phathom the idea of BEING CAPABLE!!.
Fair enough, however, I believe a support system is really important to help achieve our goals and this point is visible in so many examples throughout history although we don't even have to go into the past to see this is very true. Almost always the people that are the most successful are the people who have a great support system behind them, be that an entourage of people like the president of the USA or simply a friend/parent/colleague/husband/partner that believes in you but ultimately...no matter how many people you have behind you...cheering you on...ultimately!!... the only person who has to believe in you is...Y...O...U!!!
You have value, you have worth, you add what no one else in this world can add to it...just the simple essence of you is like no other on the planet! And that has value and you have value in it!
I didn't create this blog to try to change anyone or even to try to change myself...I created this blog because no matter how often I shout from the roof tops...sometimes...a simple nudge is enough to understand something that you've been hearing your entire life! You are capable! We all are!!! And life really is magnificent!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Stay tuned!!

You know when people say things like... You reap what you sow...You are the master of your fate...You get back what you put out...etc etc etc...WELL, What I've realised and what i NOW know is that these sayings are not only true but they are magically, unbelieveably, undefiably TRUE!!
I hear those sayings and NOW I actually hear them...I ACTUALLY HEAR THEM!!!! Does that make sense?!?!?! Do you know what I mean??? I ACTUALLY HEAR THEM!!!

Reminds me a lot about the advise my parents gave me growing up, when I thought to myself they were just being old fashioned or a pain in the neck and funny enough, years down the line, I remember those words and think to myself..."Wow, they were right!" It's that sort of feeling! The feeling of having heard or seen something your entire life but never really and truly seeing or hearing them until one day, you just do, it finally sinks in!

So, where i'm trying to go with this is that, I've had what i consider to be one of the most life transforming moments when I realised that everything i want is up to me to get! Anything at all!!! I remember having read years ago, a saying from Eric Butterworth which is "You can change your life by altering your thoughts!"  It's funny because now I actually know to my very core that he was right! You really can change your life by altering your thoughts...

You don't have to be a radical thinker, particularly spiritual or be a hippy or do Yoga in order to believe this, you just have to understand the basic concept that, you really do attract into your life certain people, cirumstances and events, based on the thoughts you have. Kind of like that saying..."Be careful what you wish for, it may come true".

I guess you can say I have found what i have been trying to find for so many years and you know what that is??? ...I have found the truth and i am being true to myself by attracting to my life things, people, circumstances and events that I really truly want because "I" want them and not because it's in the cards for me!!!  I deal my own cards now and I believe that more then ever!

I am so excited about my life and about all the good that I have already. I have an abundance of health, an abundance of love, an abundance of happiness and abundance of joy. I prosper everywhere I turn and I am going to believe that from this day forward. I have so many good and positive things/people/circumstances in my life and I have more on the way...I know this for a fact and I believe and have total and utter faith in this concept!!

Stay tuned! Watch this page for the next chapters of my life are going to be just brilliant, i know it!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

25 Random things about me!!

1. I absolutely love being a mom but my oh my…it is the most challenging job I’ve ever had…the most challenging job in the world even but at the same time the most rewarding! I’m soooooo looking forward to every new step, new phase and new challenge.

2. Growing up with semi-strict "Portuguese" parents was difficult when everyone else was doing what they wanted but very early on I gained a tremendous appreciation for how difficult their job was and how I preferred to conquer their trust rather then just take it for granted. It worked!

3. It took me a long time to realize that I loved my job and I do it not to be recognized by others, but to feel accepted by my own self. I am happy!!

4. I have a few people that I call my best friends and mean it heartily. It confuses people when I say, my best friend here, my best friend in Canada, my best friend up north, my best friend when I was 12...etc. I honestly think they're all the best. I'm just lucky.

5. My favourite number is 5 and for what ever reason I have had a passion for that number since I can remember. “They” say that 5 is a mystical number…perhaps because of the 5 natural senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch plus the 5 elements: fire, air, water, earth and spirit. Who knows!?!?! I suppose the real question is..."Who are 'THEY' anyway"?

6. If I could do anything I wanted to do and not have to worry about making a living it would be – travel, write (short stories), take photographs, read, get a degree, meet new people, have at least two more children and get a massage every day!

7. I actually did what some people talk about doing their entire lives; I picked up and just left to live in the sun! But who knows, what may be around the corner and where prosperity will take me!

8. I do occasionally miss the cold, no sorry… the freezing cold…no actually the abso..freakin..lutely freezing cold days in Canada! Call me crazy :)

9. I love all 5 dogs that my parents have... All with their own story of how they ended up there and contrary to my parents original thought of only having Fuji who is their little baby…all 5 of them have somehow managed to melt their hearts and mine. The others are Pretinho, Joy, Tuba and Zuca and we recently lost our wonderful lab Becky...RIP!

10. I realized…what I think is very late in life… that I actually love reading. It can sometimes take me a little while to really get into a book, but once I'm in that place, it's hard to stop.

11. Although I wanted to learn how to play the piano…my parents put me in organ lessons…need I say more?? But really, I love music, all kinds of music and I would love to learn how to play the piano, violin, saxophone, and guitar.

12. I can't sing worth a damn anymore and so I only sing for my baby boy as my recent experience with Karaoke wasn’t all it was cracked up to be!! Truth be told however I did hold a tune when I was younger and sang in the church choir…yup :)

13. I am addicted to…recycling! I think everyone should be and I think it’s shameful to say you don’t have the patience or time for it. Years down the line when our kids ask us why the world is so polluted our reply is going to be “Because we were too lazy to recycle and too self conscious about silly things to try to make a difference.”

14. I love it when my husband cooks for me!!! :o)

15. I discovered about four years ago that I don’t just like but I LOVE sushi! And about 9 years ago I realized that I adore red wine! I also love Rosé, white zinfandel and ice wine, in that order.

16. I lived for over 12 years in the same house which I adored growing up in, great times and great memories but ever since then I haven’t lived for more then two-three years in the same place. I’ve moved since then 10 different times in my life and you know what…I hate moving but funny enough I soon want to move again... but this time when I do move I would want to live someplace where I have my own herb garden and a large dining room to host dinner parties.

17. I love to travel and want to do that a whole lot more then I do…There are too many places in the world to explore and fall in love with.

18. I love romantic comedies, sci-fi movies, action movies, suspense movies, films based on a true story, documentaries, etc., everything except horror movies which I absolutely can’t stand and still can’t figure out why people torture their brains by sitting in a movie theatre watching how some psycho maniac…whatever, seriously!

19. I really miss The Beatles!

20. I absolutely love meat! I love bacon wrapped fillet mignon, burgers, t-bone steaks…Although I wouldn't want to be by choice, I hope never to become a vegetarian…ever ever!

21. The first time I met my husband we were with a mutual friend and were getting a ride to the beach but I refused to get on the back of his speed bike because I didn’t know him from anywhere and I wasn’t about to hop on the back of the bike and grab onto someone I didn’t know…with a lot of in betweens...four days later we kissed, four years later we got married and four years after that we had our first baby…good thing I stuck to my guns eh?

22. I am so grateful to be living in the Algarve but most especially because I have the sweetest freshly squeaked orange juice almost everyday and all year round!

23. My jaw clicks!

24. For some reason, throughout many phases of my life, beginning with high school, I was the person everyone would talk to about their problems. Subconsciously I think I’ve always known I was meant to be a psychologist as it is my passion to understand human behaviour and I have a compulsive need to help people sort out their problems. Plus there is a lot of discussion and it is very dynamic to see the world through other peoples eyes - which is what I find the most fascinating.

25. I think that in life, having the people around us be witness to our lives is a really great feeling so to all of my friends…know this…nothing is too big or too small; share the good things, the bad things, the terrible things and the boring things without fear; all of it, all the time and everyday know that you will not go unnoticed by me, I will gladly be to some extent, a witness to your lives and hopefully you all will be to mine. Love ya!

I am woman! :o)

I'm human and I'm a woman so I don't think I can ever truly answer to it's full capacity, the question "Are you happy?".  Some women always have plenty to say on how they "could be happy if..." and for others plenty of ways on how they could be HAPPIER.  What I can say is that I am in LOVE with my son...and that makes me HAPPY. I have concerns and responsibilities, as we all do, which can sometimes make us feel as though we are limited to how happy we are allowed to be. I have recently began to appreciate the smaller things in life and have with that been able to see the good in so many things that I didn't know existed! People get tired of hearing the words...Positivity and Optimism but I am a true believer in the power these two trains of thought can have on the outcome of our lives. Stay true, positive and optimistic...that is what i say!!! xx