Friday, January 21, 2011

Stay tuned!!

You know when people say things like... You reap what you sow...You are the master of your fate...You get back what you put out...etc etc etc...WELL, What I've realised and what i NOW know is that these sayings are not only true but they are magically, unbelieveably, undefiably TRUE!!
I hear those sayings and NOW I actually hear them...I ACTUALLY HEAR THEM!!!! Does that make sense?!?!?! Do you know what I mean??? I ACTUALLY HEAR THEM!!!

Reminds me a lot about the advise my parents gave me growing up, when I thought to myself they were just being old fashioned or a pain in the neck and funny enough, years down the line, I remember those words and think to myself..."Wow, they were right!" It's that sort of feeling! The feeling of having heard or seen something your entire life but never really and truly seeing or hearing them until one day, you just do, it finally sinks in!

So, where i'm trying to go with this is that, I've had what i consider to be one of the most life transforming moments when I realised that everything i want is up to me to get! Anything at all!!! I remember having read years ago, a saying from Eric Butterworth which is "You can change your life by altering your thoughts!"  It's funny because now I actually know to my very core that he was right! You really can change your life by altering your thoughts...

You don't have to be a radical thinker, particularly spiritual or be a hippy or do Yoga in order to believe this, you just have to understand the basic concept that, you really do attract into your life certain people, cirumstances and events, based on the thoughts you have. Kind of like that saying..."Be careful what you wish for, it may come true".

I guess you can say I have found what i have been trying to find for so many years and you know what that is??? ...I have found the truth and i am being true to myself by attracting to my life things, people, circumstances and events that I really truly want because "I" want them and not because it's in the cards for me!!!  I deal my own cards now and I believe that more then ever!

I am so excited about my life and about all the good that I have already. I have an abundance of health, an abundance of love, an abundance of happiness and abundance of joy. I prosper everywhere I turn and I am going to believe that from this day forward. I have so many good and positive things/people/circumstances in my life and I have more on the way...I know this for a fact and I believe and have total and utter faith in this concept!!

Stay tuned! Watch this page for the next chapters of my life are going to be just brilliant, i know it!!!

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