Monday, June 6, 2011

Miracles are everyday occurrences...

I have started a morning routine which includes a few minutes every morning of meditation. I've always wanted to be one of those people who do that!!! Who can sit still for 15 to 30 minutes and who totally and completely clear their minds of all thought. It's actually harder than one would think but everything is possible and if other people can do it, so can I!!!

I believe that if we control the thoughts we have, we can control the outcome of our lives! By controlling our thoughts and focussing on the things we want, we are changing the possibilities and by changing the possibilities, we are changing the results.

I am a believer that miracles are everyday occurrences!  The little things, the simple things, the amazing things, the happy things, the wonderful things...every single day is a miracle...every single moment we have the opportunity to create thought and from thought to create our life just as we want it to be!!!

I'll let you know how the meditation goes and if it really is as helpful as I think it's going to be... in changing my allowing me to live a better life and in sharing and spreading the joy of life to others.

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