Saturday, January 15, 2011

25 Random things about me!!

1. I absolutely love being a mom but my oh my…it is the most challenging job I’ve ever had…the most challenging job in the world even but at the same time the most rewarding! I’m soooooo looking forward to every new step, new phase and new challenge.

2. Growing up with semi-strict "Portuguese" parents was difficult when everyone else was doing what they wanted but very early on I gained a tremendous appreciation for how difficult their job was and how I preferred to conquer their trust rather then just take it for granted. It worked!

3. It took me a long time to realize that I loved my job and I do it not to be recognized by others, but to feel accepted by my own self. I am happy!!

4. I have a few people that I call my best friends and mean it heartily. It confuses people when I say, my best friend here, my best friend in Canada, my best friend up north, my best friend when I was 12...etc. I honestly think they're all the best. I'm just lucky.

5. My favourite number is 5 and for what ever reason I have had a passion for that number since I can remember. “They” say that 5 is a mystical number…perhaps because of the 5 natural senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch plus the 5 elements: fire, air, water, earth and spirit. Who knows!?!?! I suppose the real question is..."Who are 'THEY' anyway"?

6. If I could do anything I wanted to do and not have to worry about making a living it would be – travel, write (short stories), take photographs, read, get a degree, meet new people, have at least two more children and get a massage every day!

7. I actually did what some people talk about doing their entire lives; I picked up and just left to live in the sun! But who knows, what may be around the corner and where prosperity will take me!

8. I do occasionally miss the cold, no sorry… the freezing cold…no actually the abso..freakin..lutely freezing cold days in Canada! Call me crazy :)

9. I love all 5 dogs that my parents have... All with their own story of how they ended up there and contrary to my parents original thought of only having Fuji who is their little baby…all 5 of them have somehow managed to melt their hearts and mine. The others are Pretinho, Joy, Tuba and Zuca and we recently lost our wonderful lab Becky...RIP!

10. I realized…what I think is very late in life… that I actually love reading. It can sometimes take me a little while to really get into a book, but once I'm in that place, it's hard to stop.

11. Although I wanted to learn how to play the piano…my parents put me in organ lessons…need I say more?? But really, I love music, all kinds of music and I would love to learn how to play the piano, violin, saxophone, and guitar.

12. I can't sing worth a damn anymore and so I only sing for my baby boy as my recent experience with Karaoke wasn’t all it was cracked up to be!! Truth be told however I did hold a tune when I was younger and sang in the church choir…yup :)

13. I am addicted to…recycling! I think everyone should be and I think it’s shameful to say you don’t have the patience or time for it. Years down the line when our kids ask us why the world is so polluted our reply is going to be “Because we were too lazy to recycle and too self conscious about silly things to try to make a difference.”

14. I love it when my husband cooks for me!!! :o)

15. I discovered about four years ago that I don’t just like but I LOVE sushi! And about 9 years ago I realized that I adore red wine! I also love Rosé, white zinfandel and ice wine, in that order.

16. I lived for over 12 years in the same house which I adored growing up in, great times and great memories but ever since then I haven’t lived for more then two-three years in the same place. I’ve moved since then 10 different times in my life and you know what…I hate moving but funny enough I soon want to move again... but this time when I do move I would want to live someplace where I have my own herb garden and a large dining room to host dinner parties.

17. I love to travel and want to do that a whole lot more then I do…There are too many places in the world to explore and fall in love with.

18. I love romantic comedies, sci-fi movies, action movies, suspense movies, films based on a true story, documentaries, etc., everything except horror movies which I absolutely can’t stand and still can’t figure out why people torture their brains by sitting in a movie theatre watching how some psycho maniac…whatever, seriously!

19. I really miss The Beatles!

20. I absolutely love meat! I love bacon wrapped fillet mignon, burgers, t-bone steaks…Although I wouldn't want to be by choice, I hope never to become a vegetarian…ever ever!

21. The first time I met my husband we were with a mutual friend and were getting a ride to the beach but I refused to get on the back of his speed bike because I didn’t know him from anywhere and I wasn’t about to hop on the back of the bike and grab onto someone I didn’t know…with a lot of in betweens...four days later we kissed, four years later we got married and four years after that we had our first baby…good thing I stuck to my guns eh?

22. I am so grateful to be living in the Algarve but most especially because I have the sweetest freshly squeaked orange juice almost everyday and all year round!

23. My jaw clicks!

24. For some reason, throughout many phases of my life, beginning with high school, I was the person everyone would talk to about their problems. Subconsciously I think I’ve always known I was meant to be a psychologist as it is my passion to understand human behaviour and I have a compulsive need to help people sort out their problems. Plus there is a lot of discussion and it is very dynamic to see the world through other peoples eyes - which is what I find the most fascinating.

25. I think that in life, having the people around us be witness to our lives is a really great feeling so to all of my friends…know this…nothing is too big or too small; share the good things, the bad things, the terrible things and the boring things without fear; all of it, all the time and everyday know that you will not go unnoticed by me, I will gladly be to some extent, a witness to your lives and hopefully you all will be to mine. Love ya!

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