Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What is a blog to me?

A blog to me is like a modern day diary... an electronic diary of our thoughts, worries, hopes, dreams, inspirations and experiences. It is an open book for the "world wide web" to look in on!

As a young girl and I'm sure for many others like me, our diaries were under lock and key...no one could know what you were thinking or feeling...how embarrassing that would have been... whereas now...the whole world can be witness to our thoughts!! hahaha It's ironic actually!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Be true to yourself!

People who have a great sense of their own self worth...don't worry about being judged by others. When you have the freedom to be yourself, just the way you are, the world is a much better place for everyone!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Attitude and Interpretation

I read this article the other day that said the following that caught my eye... "Success isn't objectively verifiable like the height of the Empire State Building or the location of Missouri. It's a matter of attitude, of interpretation."

When we analyse "mistakes vs success" the above sentence can make a big difference as to how we se ourselves, our lives, our lifestyle and our achievements.

We should give more value to the decisions we make by changing our interpretation of the outcome... having a second piece of cake... can make you feel fat (mistake) or joyful (success) If we choose not to eat the second piece of cake... we would not have enjoyed eating (mistake)...or not eating and feeling skinny (success)!!! Do we see how both decisions can have a successful outcome if we want them to? Eating the second piece or not eating and feeling skinny, both are success!! Travelling somewhere to sit on the beach or staying home 1000 euros richer... both are success! Both are a matter of attitude or interpretation.

The sense of being right or wrong resides in each of us, therefore, the solution, is to choose success.!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

When times are "bluff"...

When times are tough...they can easily be mistaken for when times are "bluff"... On a daily basis we are bombarded with negative press. We are systematically fed...negativity! The question that most of us should be asking ourselves is... why? In seeking the answer to a question like this, we can actually look deep inside ourselves for the answer and we will most certainly find it there... so why are we constantly bombarded with negative press?? Because WE are consistently telling the world...that is what we want! We buy more magazines, more newspapers and watch more news broadcasts when the headline is a tragedy or bad news than we do when they publish something heart warming or inspiring! It's that simple! We are the cause, the bad news is the effect! I suppose if any of us were in the media business, we would be on the hunt for as many tragic stories as we could possibly find... to make as much money as we possibly could... of course we would!

I think I may have mentioned this in a previous post but I no longer watch the news...I gave up about +5 years ago and I think it was one of the best things I could have done! This way, I choose what it is I want to know. I do research on the things I want to know more about and stay clear from the things that are unworthy of my attention, things that could possibly bring me down. I think it's one thing to keep informed about what is going on in the world but it's another to be inundated as we often are.
Make choices that work for you! Keep true to yourself and to others and focus on what keeps you happy, high spirited and joyful.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Miracles are everyday occurrences...

I have started a morning routine which includes a few minutes every morning of meditation. I've always wanted to be one of those people who do that!!! Who can sit still for 15 to 30 minutes and who totally and completely clear their minds of all thought. It's actually harder than one would think but everything is possible and if other people can do it, so can I!!!

I believe that if we control the thoughts we have, we can control the outcome of our lives! By controlling our thoughts and focussing on the things we want, we are changing the possibilities and by changing the possibilities, we are changing the results.

I am a believer that miracles are everyday occurrences!  The little things, the simple things, the amazing things, the happy things, the wonderful things...every single day is a miracle...every single moment we have the opportunity to create thought and from thought to create our life just as we want it to be!!!

I'll let you know how the meditation goes and if it really is as helpful as I think it's going to be... in changing my life...in allowing me to live a better life and in sharing and spreading the joy of life to others.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Setting the bar...

Living up to someone else's standards is probably one of the biggest mistakes we can make throughout our lives... and the same would apply to when we expect others to live up to our standards.
When we try to live up to someone else's standards, it's as though we are constantly chasing something that seems endless.  We chase and chase and chase and we become exausted!  The reason for this is because we are not going after what brings us happiness.  We are going after what makes other people happy so the enthusiasm of a positive end result, or the sense of purpose/achievement is never really fullfilled... because they are not our dreams... they're someone else's. 
I suppose what is most important is to firstly figure out what it is we dream for...for ourselves!!  Perhaps we find ourselves living or trying to live up to other peoples standards because we don't set standards of our own.  If we did, and if we were true to OUR dreams, our happiness, than perhaps we wouldn't feel lost or forever chasing because we'd be setting the bar for ourselves, going after what we love and the rest would take care of itself.

I do believe, on occassion, when other people transmit what they expect from us, we shouldn't take it as a bad thing...they are trying to look out for us because they love us but also because they believe in us.  It's when people don't encourage you to do better that you can worry they may have given up on you.

Believe in yourself but also set your own standards and don't be afraid to go after them. Set the bar on what it is you want of your life and move forward...  Believe you can do it and know you can do it...  Because you can!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm back!

Having been quiet for a few months due to other commitments, I am now back on board to keeping this blog updated and flowing on a regular basis. It certainly does feel good to be back and most importantly it feels great to express thought and feeling on "paper".. :)

Having been away for a while, it has caused me to forget why I even started this blog in the first place. A channel for expression...that simple! Nothing life altering, nothing specific and with no particular agenda other than... pure and simple... expression and sharing...That's it!

These last few months have lead me to realise how very important it is to focus on the little things, the small achievements... as much as it is to celebrate the big ones. We are excellent at celebrating the big successes, the special dates, etc., but we fail to celebrate the positive things we experience on a day to day basis and the small achievements along the way. It is more important than we think and all too often we forget that we are who we are at all times...every minute...every second... of every day! And there is nothing wrong with that! Our worth is not only valid if we have something big to boast about or celebrate. Everything is important, every moment and most especially the "PRESENT MOMENT" is worth celebrating. Celebrate the simplicity and the similarities, they make us who we are!

I heard something the other day that I thought was just brilliant... ""Life isn't about where you came from or even your destination...it's really about the journey!"
