Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Be true to yourself!

People who have a great sense of their own self worth...don't worry about being judged by others. When you have the freedom to be yourself, just the way you are, the world is a much better place for everyone!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Attitude and Interpretation

I read this article the other day that said the following that caught my eye... "Success isn't objectively verifiable like the height of the Empire State Building or the location of Missouri. It's a matter of attitude, of interpretation."

When we analyse "mistakes vs success" the above sentence can make a big difference as to how we se ourselves, our lives, our lifestyle and our achievements.

We should give more value to the decisions we make by changing our interpretation of the outcome... having a second piece of cake... can make you feel fat (mistake) or joyful (success) If we choose not to eat the second piece of cake... we would not have enjoyed eating (mistake)...or not eating and feeling skinny (success)!!! Do we see how both decisions can have a successful outcome if we want them to? Eating the second piece or not eating and feeling skinny, both are success!! Travelling somewhere to sit on the beach or staying home 1000 euros richer... both are success! Both are a matter of attitude or interpretation.

The sense of being right or wrong resides in each of us, therefore, the solution, is to choose success.!!